
Showing posts from June, 2020

Getting started with backlinking

Getting started with Backlinking   Backlinking is viewed as a bit of a dark art in digital marketing and that’s because it’s either misunderstood by the client or poorly executed by the developer. Like almost everything in digital marketing, backlinking can be done the  quick  way or it can be done the  right  way. I’m personally in favour of the latter so without giving away too many of my trade secrets, I’d like to take you through the benefits of carrying out a successful backlinking campaign – and why you should avoid doing most of the heavy lifting yourself.   So what is backlinking?   Backlinking is the process of having as many external websites and digital touchpoints as possible linking directly to your own website. The goal is to boost your website’s own organic ranking without being penalised for being spammy. And therein lies the trap for the amateur backlinker!   This sounds pretty easy right?   Well yes and no. Backlinking is exceptionally time-consuming if it is to be do

Thinking about an SEO website audit?

Thinking about an SEO website audit? Have you ever received an offer for a free website audit and wondered what the heck it was all about? Or, have you ever wondered just how consumers are finding your website online and once they arrive there what the chances might be of them converting to a new customer? Have you simply just wondered how visible your website is on Google? If so, then read on... So just what is an SEO website audit? An SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) audit is offered by many digital marketers as a way of examining how your website is optimised for search.  It's a measure of your website's search engine friendliness .  And make no mistake -  it can offer valuable insights into your online presence if done right!   Free website audit   What type of issues can an audit uncover? You would be surprised how many major ranking and conversion issues are easily identified during an audit.  These issues often go unnoticed by business owners  who sometimes believe that

My Top 10 AFFORDABLE marketing ideas for a quiet economy

My Top 10 AFFORDABLE marketing ideas for a quiet economy The general consensus among small business owners in WA is that 2020 was a very tough year. A drive through the CBD or any light industrial area shows an alarming commercial vacancy rate. In fact, official figures in the CBD hover around 18% or almost one in five vacant commercial premises. For B-grade CBD office space it's somewhere around 24%! So to help you help out just a little, here are my top 10 affordable marketing ideas for a quiet economy: 1) Analyse everything! Try to really understand the fundamentals of your clients, your competitors, your strengths and your weaknesses. Effective  market research is one of the best ways of doing this and it's surprisingly affordable . Once you have this data you can make better decisions on the points below. 2) Shift your product or service offering if you need to. Do the things that will get clients into your business - not just provide you with single sales. Use incentives

Why businesses can become disillusioned with one-dimensional digital marketing

Why businesses can become disillusioned with one-dimensional digital marketing With well over 20 years of small business ownership in Perth I think I can say I've tried my fair share of marketing methodologies. Some have provided me with a great deal of success and others were an outright waste of time and money. I still shudder at the thousands I threw away on 3 x 3 booths at the wrong expos! And I've found that what might be an unmitigated disaster for one business might be hugely successful for another (yes, including 3 x 3 booths at expos).  But how could that be?  I mean, if we just throw a mountain of money at digital marketing we'll gain more sales won't we? The answer is not necessarily so - and the reason is because  no two businesses and their target markets are the same . All businesses differ in the way they operate. Their costs differ, their personnel differ, the way they communicate with existing clients and prospects differ - the list is endless. Not only

Adwords and expectations...

Adwords and expectations... In recent months I've been working with several clients I felt needed to shift their thinking away from viewing Adwords as the be-all-and-end-all of their sales & marketing. Don't get me wrong, Adwords is an extremely powerful marketing tool. However for some businesses, throwing all of their marketing resources at PPC advertising can be a very one-dimensional, if not flawed, strategy.  Adwords' strength lies in providing awareness, consideration and lead generation. It won't convert a consumer into a client for you no matter how hard you try. So let's think about it. Adwords has just helped you pick up a new prospect by enticing them to visit your website with a well written ad - but then what? What will that visitor do now they've arrived at your site? Is your site and your product or service even ready for them? Book a meeting with Lee Adwords clearly has done well by targeting then landing a prospect right on your "doorst

Getting the most out of Adwords leads

Getting the most out of Adwords leads... One thing that never ceases to amaze me is how business owners often believe that paying for traffic is the be-all-and-end-all of digital marketing. As a result they usually make the mistake of throwing all of their marketing eggs in the Adwords basket. Yes, Adwords is an extremely powerful marketing tool but its effectiveness actually hinges on the business' ability to convert traffic, not necessarily on exposure to great volumes of consumers. Word of advice 1:  Adwords is quite simply one part of your marketing armoury and should not be relied upon as your sole source of new customers. Think of it as the very starting point of a business relationship or buying process. Adwords is not just about sending consumers who are ready to buy from you. You need to make sure YOUR BUSINESS IS ALSO READY to sell to them. As a business owner and consultant, I would tend to look at my business model as a whole and then consider how to align my offering w

Reducing digital marketing costs and increasing sales with a Landing Page

Reducing digital marketing costs and increasing sales with a Landing Page... Did you know that a landing page is one of the  best ways to reduce your spending on Google advertising ?  The reason is simple. Landing pages, if built correctly, should provide users with content that closely matches their search intent. Put simply, if you were a furniture store and one of your potential clients was to search for say "TV Cabinets" they should land on a page that is solely concerned with TV Cabinets. It should not include details of your entire range of furniture. So why does that matter I hear you ask? It matters because  your Google Ads become cheaper as they become more targeted . Google measures this by providing advertisers with a quality score and it's this Quality Score that a professional SEO consultant will attempt to increase. For example, a score of 4/10 means your ad may never get served and if it did, the cost per click would be relatively expensive. On the other ha

Website User Experience (UX)

Website User Experience (UX)   It amazes me how often businesses go out of their way to obstruct customers. I see it regularly online and in the real world and it seems to me such an obvious way of losing sales – and yet it’s seemingly everywhere. Back in the eighties it was common to visit your local retailer rather than a big department store or multinational warehouse for most common household purchases.   I remember my local hardware store. The owner would stand on the wooden steps of his single doorway, arms folded and brow furrowed.   It was as if he was moonlighting as a nightclub bouncer and he couldn’t shake the habit. Every day he would stand there until eventually he went broke. Obviously there are many reasons a business might close its doors but it seemed to me this place could have at least helped itself by opening up the double doors, displaying some of its product just outside its shop and welcoming its customers from within the business. Instead, there was always a fee

The true value of your website

The true value of your website   Current day search engines have moved on from a time where they crawled and indexed a web site based on its keywords then retrieved it from a static database. The first generation of SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) resembled an old library catalogue from a bygone era. They would return results  in a regimented fashion – often with the good bits being hidden way down the results list – never to see the light of day. Now, search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo use thousands of powerful servers, complex algorithms and even Artificial Intelligence to return better, more relevant results to online users.   Peppering your site with keywords can be a waste of time – unless you do it right.   Websites are now ranked based on a variety of reasons, and in truth, most people working within the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) industry are left to guess exactly what formulas are used by Google, Bing and Yahoo to rank and display a website. That’s the way

Google Search versus Google Display

Google Search versus Google Display   Clients often ask me about the differences between Google Search and Google Display Advertising in their Adwords accounts. Most are not really aware of the key differences between the two main modes of PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising so I thought I might tackle it here.   So what does Google Search mean in my Adwords account?   Google Search is the most common way for businesses to get involved in Adwords. Bids are placed for specific keywords that relate to or are relevant to a business’ products or services. On the search network, ads are displayed either at the top or bottom of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Obviously the higher the position on the first page of the SERP, the higher the cost of the bid. Here’s an example of how a typical ad may be displayed on the search network. In this case, I searched for hotels in Seminyak. It’s a pretty specific product to be searching for and the result returned at the top of the SERP would certain